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Spring Break Adventure - Part II

(Click here if you missed Part I.)

The next day we did the one part of our trip Chris had arranged just for me. We toured one of the most famous Frank Lloyd Wright houses ever built: Fallingwater! The home is amazing; it’s actually built right over a waterfall!
Photograph © Holly Bowne. Used with permission of Western Pennsylvania Conservancy.

When our kids were in elementary school, I volunteered as an art presenter and taught a lesson on Frank Lloyd Wright’s work, so I was especially geeked to tour the place. On our way there, I handed each of the boys a handy two-page fact sheet I’d created, complete with pictures, to help them fully appreciate what they were about to see.

Daron politely took his packet and began reading. Joshua groaned, “Not again, mom!”

(Yeah, yeah. So I’d done the same thing when we had our European Vacation Adventure in Rome.)

“Don’t you want to understand what you’re looking at?” I said.

*Dramatic Sigh*

“Daron is reading it!”

*Another Dramatic Sigh*

“Look, I know you only pretended to read the last packet I gave you, so I’m quizzing you this time.”

*Grumble, grumble*

We arrived and took the tour. Even though it was raining, it was so cool. You could hear the soothing rush of the waterfall throughout the house.

Afterwards, we returned to OhioPyle State Park for more hiking. We chose a trail renowned for its steep, rocky passes and spectacular overlook of the Youghiogheny River Gorge. As we hiked, white stuff fell from the heavens.

“Is that…hail?” I said, as little white balls bounced on the ground and pinged off my cheeks.




Well, at least I was dressed for the chilly 30° temps we were experiencing; I just kept my face down, trying to appreciate the natural beauty, until…

“Is this what you thought hiking would be like?” Chris asked Daron who had confessed earlier that he’d never been hiking before.

“It’s great!” he responded.

(Pay attention, because here comes the critical part) “Is this as rough a trail as you were expecting?”

“Actually, I thought it would be rougher.”


At this point, Chris guided us all off the trail and down the edge of the super steep gorge. After hiking down and sideways for a while (really awkward, by the way), what goes down must eventually come back up. So we started making our way up the steep ravine.

Now I exercise regularly, but I admit… I. WAS. DYING! I had to stop continually to catch my breath and get my heartbeat back into a normal range. By the time we reached the top, I was soaked with sweat which was trapped inside my hiking-for-30-degree-weather gear. By the end of the day, I was exhausted. I was not having fun. And I freely shared these thoughts with my fellow hikers. I knew I should really give myself an attitude adjustment.

Unfortunately, day three arrived…

It was our last day and time for our return trip home (Yeah!). On the way, Chris drove us through an area of West Virginia he’d in lived as a boy for our final hiking adventure. We stopped at Tomlinson State Park where it had been in the low 40s and pouring rain the entire morning (of course). It was still drizzling as we climbed from the car.

Standing in the middle of a rain-soaked path, Chris asked, “Which way?”

“It doesn’t matter,” I said, rain dripping from my eyelashes and chin. “As long as we do NOT do what we did yesterday.”

The boys chose a direction and we headed out. Although the trees were bare, it was sort of pretty and there were some beautiful views.

Then…they did it again.

As if I’d never spoken, Chris asked, “Is this a challenging enough trail for you guys?”

Now I ask you, is that really a question to ask two teenage boys?

Off the trail we went. AGAIN. Hiking down and sideways along an even steeper ravine than the day before. We stumbled over tree roots and rocks and clambered behind waterfalls. It was rougher going because of all the rain, and every one of us (except Chris) fell at least once so that our backsides and legs were covered in mud. (Please note: we still had the four-hour ride home ahead of us.) Sharp brambles smacked at our faces and Chris actually had his knife out, hacking a trail for us through the bush like he was Indiana Jones or Crocodile Dundee or something. And to top it off, three out of four of us definitely heard bear-sounding snorts coming from surrounding caves. I am NOT making this up!

Then, it got worse…

Tune in next week for the conclusion of Spring Break Adventure!

All Photographs © Holly & Chris Bowne

Quote of the Week

"The quality of mercy is not strain’d
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath: it is twice bless’d;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes."
~ William Shakespeare ~

Image by: Iris Dragon

Spring Break Adventure - Part I

All right, that’s it! I’ve had it. No more “boy” hiking trips for me!

For Spring Break this year, we opted for a three-day hiking adventure among the foothills of the Appalachians in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. We allowed our son Joshua to invite a friend, to make the trip a little more enjoyable since we didn’t have his college freshman sister with us this time. *Sniff, sniff*

Now before I share the details of our adventure, I want to emphasize the fact that I love hiking. I grew up hiking and I even enjoy a little “rough” hiking. But what I discovered on this particular vacation, is that I do NOT enjoy “boy” hiking.

Let me s’plain.

Before we left, I was a bit concerned that the promised sunny forecast had turned dismal, with threats of rain, thunder and snowstorms.

“It’ll be fine,” my hubby Chris said.

I resigned myself to hiking in yucky weather and packed accordingly. Our first day, we arrived at OhioPyle State Park in Pennsylvania. It promised beautiful waterfalls and the rugged terrain the boys were hoping for. The day had started out raining, but miraculously stopped soon after we began our hike. The wet weather created a glowing mist along the trail, giving the landscape this cool, ethereal quality.

Pretty, right? So far, so good.

Occasionally the boys and Chris would veer from the trail, exploring little patches of wilderness. I remained ON the trail and took pics.

Again, so far so good. I could see them while they explored and I got to stay on the trail. The first trouble arose around 6:00 p.m. Josh and his buddy Daron were hiking faster than Chris and me, probably because we stopped to take pics like these:

We knew it would be getting dark soon and I could no longer see the boys’ bright-colored coats amongst the bare, brown tree trunks. So we began calling for them. And calling. No answer.

The sky grew dark and angry looking. We called louder. Still no answer.

Then it started thundering.

Have I mentioned in the past that I tend to panic easily? I think it’s safe to say that in a crisis situation, or anything that resembles a crisis situation, I’m not the person you want to be standing next to.

I started to FREAK OUT! I knew the temperature was supposed to drop dramatically overnight, and snow was predicted. Why hadn’t we brought our cell phones?! Why oh why hadn’t we let Joshua finish his Boy Scout training?! If he’d become an Eagle Scout, he’d have known what to do while trapped in a freezing cold forest. I immediately envisioned the boys lost in the woods and freezing to death overnight. I sobbed and screamed their names louder in the rising wind.

Chris grabbed my hand in an effort to calm me. “The only thing I can think is they may have taken that off-shoot from the main path back there,” Chris said, indicating the way from which we’d come. “Let’s go back and check.”

“But what if they didn’t? What if they kept going?” I cried.

Chris took a stick and wrote Joshua’s initials in the dirt with an arrow pointing in the direction we went to find them.

“He’ll never see that!” I wailed as he pulled me along beside him.

We came to the off-shoot and Chris told me to stay put while he jogged up to see if he could spot them.

I was truly hysterical now.

Hours passed (okay, it was probably more like 15 minutes) when I heard Joshua’s voice calling me. I looked up the main trail and saw the boys headed in my direction. I ran and fell onto my son, bawling like a crazy woman, and babbling incoherently about how terrified I’d been for their lives. He patted my back, while poor Daron gaped at me with wide, bewildered eyes. And Chris, hearing my screams and sobs, of course, came jogging back.

Apparently the boys had simply gotten further ahead of us than they’d realized. Both boys being possessed of good common sense, had heard the thunder and simply turned around to come back. Just as they should have. Why had we doubted them?

Needless to say, I was completely wiped out as we drove to the hotel. I only hoped the rest of our trip would be better. I should have known…


Photographs © Holly & Chris Bowne

Quote of the Week

"Do what you can, with what you have,
where you are."
~ Theodore Roosevelt ~

Image by: Jessicizer


..."keeps the doctor away," the old saying goes. Of course, this statement primarily implies that apples keep you healthy by strengthening your immune system (thanks to Vitamin C) to avoid sickness. However, did you know that an apple a day can also help you lose weight, accumulate good cholesterol, clean your teeth, and prevent illnesses like Alzheimer's, heart disease, and cancer? In short, the apple's low caloric content make a scrumptious means for calorie deduction that leads to weight loss, flavonoids keep the heart happy, phenols lower bad cholesterol and higher good cholesterol, and finally - the juices zap away 80% of bacteria in teeth. Who knew a healthy lifestyle could ever be this sweet?    


Megan Fox transforms her already sinewy 22 inch waist into Barbie's 18 inch size with this costumed corset. Corsets and bustiers alike tighten you in by at least 2-4 inches, cinching the waist and pushing up decolletage to shape an hourglass silhouette. So whether for smoothing bulges under a gown or stripping sexily for your man, the corset reigns as the go-to beauty saviour for centuries.


The stereotypical Italian meal may be structured as an overload of refined pasta, bread, cheese, veal, sauce, and cannolis. However, what many people don't know is that the Mediterranean diet (which also consists of Italian food) is considered to be one of the healthiest eating regimens. In other words, there is nutritious Italian food - Italian food, other than heavy gnocchi and greasy pizza. The Mediterranean diet contains delicious but nutritious items like heart-loving red wine, good-fattening extra virgin olive oil, fibre-filled whole grain pasta, protein-supplementing grilled fish, and iron-rich non-starch vegetables.     


Over 90% of women - thin or thick - complain about having cellulite. And while some of those women may exercise and eat right, their dimpled monsters still remain. Why? Well, when cellulite can be produced by unstoppable factors such as stress, genetics, and aging, it's difficult or even impossible to reverse the traces of time. However, even though there is no universal cure, medication, or treatment to completely eliminate cellulite for everyone, certain ingredients can temporarily but expeditiously improve its appearance. Spa treatments often include sources like algae, pure aloe, and caffeine, which assist in detoxifying and tightening up skin, while building collagen and firming appearance. So, does that mean drinking coffee can get rid of cellulite, too?

The Perfect Daughter

My son would call this post "cheating" because I'm not actually writing anything. But it's been one of those weeks, you know? I'm deep into a travel writing project about Austria--which looks like an AMAZINGLY beautiful country, by the way--and have had an unsual number of circumstances draw me away from my writing time. So, I decided to share this funny video my mother sent me instead. It cracked me up!  It's titled The Perfect Daughter.  Enjoy!


Even though it may be something we do everyday and take for granted, we shouldn't underestimate the power of walking. A mere 10-15 minute brisk stroll daily can reap major benefits, like reducing stress and the risks of cancer or heart problems. Wanna melt that stomach pooch? Grab a pedometer, and calculate 8,000 steps a day to earn your weight loss goals, in addition to a flatter tummy. Can you handle a challenge? Up your heart rate and cardiovascular endurance by pressing more incline on the treadmill or adding hills to your routine.  


Here's a classic tip I got from teen magazines back in the day (well, in Grade 7). Apparently, applying toothpaste onto your skin overnight can help zits disappear more quickly. Toothpaste supposedly dries the oil-iness that factors in with acne. This one time at camp (seriously), I saw one roommate attempt this tip. I can't recall the results, yet I still wonder - does this really work?


Whether a sweet, subtle cut or a dangerously plunging neckline, the v-neck promises "vertical" attention that eludes body symmetry and thinness. It also creates and flaunts luscious cleavage!

Quote of the Week

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls, and looks like work."
~ Thomas Edison ~

Image by: CarbonNYC


Thanks to Got Milk? ads reinforced by celebrity influence, it's hard to surpass the benefits of milk in general. For example, milk contains trytophan, which calms and acts like a sleeping aid. And everyone knows milk has calcium, a necessity for developing and preserving strength in nails, skin, and bones. However, soy milk (or soy products in general) only enhance these benefits milk already provides. For example, soy possesses an adequate source of protein, which assists in maintaining and producing lean muscle mass. So even though soy milk tends to be more fattening, if consumed in moderation, (soy) milk can actually help you control your appetite (fill you up more quickly), gain more muscle, and - since a pound of muscle burns an additional 250-500 calories at rest - burn more fat and lose weight. Finally (my favourite), soy milk can lift and firm your breasts! 


...Or at least don't stretch before you hit the gym. Studies show that stretching prior to a workout session can actually better your odds at injury. Overexerting yourself while stretching (even to increase your flexibility) before exercise may tire your muscles out - before you started the real deal! Instead, you should substitute with a gentle 5-10 minute cardio warm-up, and leave the stretching for after your workout!


Think more means more? Think again. Sometimes, less is more, and the same goes for maintaining healthy, clean, moist locks. Washing, straightening, colouring, or applying product to your hair daily (or regularly) can havoc more damage than good. Detergents, chemicals, and heat can dry and frizz out hair if manipulated frequently, thereby forging breakage, tangles, and split ends. Some celebs and hairdressers may recommend you only wash your hair once a week; however, their advice may deliver unsanitary results for those who exercise or engage in some form of "dirty" activity consistently. If you work out 3-4 times a week though, cleansing hair on gym days (or every other day) is probably okay. As for flat ironing your hair? Coming from someone who owns a parade of thick, long, wavy strands, I personally only straighten my hair for special occasions, photo ops, job interviews, etc. (or when my lion's mane is super poufy, and it must be tamed). I hardly ever use mousse or hair gel, and I've stopped dying my hair completely.     


While water in general is low in calories and high in detoxification, ice-cold water renders the most effective for weight loss. When consumed, ice-cold water forces the body to work at keeping warm, burning more calories through heat and speeding up the metabolism altogether. Actually, eating, drinking, or doing anything HOT or COLD makes your body scramble to maintain a comfortable, warm temperature: HOT yoga, tea, spicy food, and soup as well as COLD activities i.e. skiing, skating, etc., ice cream, and frozen yogurt. 

Dressing Like a Mom

Twittering birds, warmer days, fat buds cropping up on formerly bare tree branches. Ahhhh. Often with the coming of spring, comes the desire to revamp our wardrobes. Out with the old and in with the new. In honor of this, I thought you might enjoy this abridged version of an essay I sold to Girlfriend 2 Girlfriend magazine a while back.

“You look fine,” my friend Vicki said, in response to my question. “You look like…well, like a mom.”

What?! Yeah, so I AM a mom, but that was beside the point. I didn’t necessarily want to look like one. Heck, when I was in my twenties I was known for my funky, artsy style. I mean, I used to work in advertising and everything!

I walked over to the mirror and stared at my sit-at-the-waist jeans complete with belt, and button-front oxford, neatly tucked in. I guess they did kind of scream “Hello, 80’s!” With a shock I realized I was vintage, and not in a good way. I decided right then, I needed to do some serious style revamping.

With my teenage daughter’s fashion advice ringing in my ears, I headed to the mall, a woman on a mission. In the jeans section, I chose several low-rise styles and locked myself in a dressing room. Squeezing into the first pair, I rechecked the tag. Strange. They were supposed to be my size. Well, I had to admit it was kind of liberating to have my stomach pouf sitting on top of the waistband for a change. But the rest of me was so uncomfortably packed in, I quickly took them off.

Moving on, I pulled up the next pair. Or rather, I tried to pull them up. They were so low my underwear hung out a good four inches above the waistline. Not quite the look I was going for.

The third pair actually fit, but sported so many holes and tears in strategic places they didn’t really fit the over-forty-yet-sophisticated effect I was trying to create. I finally discovered some hole-free styles which sat “slightly below the waist,” then headed to the Intimates Department to find low-rise undergarments to wear with my new low-rise jeans.

I found myself surrounded by thongs. I held one up for closer inspection.


I know there are women my age who actually like these, but I totally don’t get it. How could they possibly be comfortable? So after selecting some regular hip-height styles, I moved onto tops.

According to my daughter’s recommendation, I wanted tops that didn’t need to be tucked in. When I was younger, tucking in was good. Now apparently, it’s bad. I grabbed a bunch of different styles and once again closeted myself in a dressing room.

Okay, here’s a question: why does everything need to be so form fitting?!

I peered over my shoulder where unflatteringly magnified were some “lovely lady lumps” of which, up until then, I’d been blissfully unaware. Several tops sported wide, low-cut necklines which, my daughter told me, I was supposed to layer over camis. After trying everything on, I was sweating and feeling suffocated by all of this “layering.” But I plunged gamely on, finally selecting some not-too-low-cut, not-too-form-fitting shirts. I made my purchases and headed home.

Hmph! Let’s see who ‘looks like a Mom’ now!

A few weeks later, my daughter and I were out shopping when I spotted a woman about my age. She was wearing a pair of the torn-and-shredded variety jeans with a low-cut top (no cami!). She cruised the aisles comfortably untucked, with a smidgen of tummy peeking out.

“What do you think about that?” I asked pointing in the woman’s direction. “Should I be dressing more like that?”

My daughter’s eyes grew wide, “No way! She’s a Wannabe!”

“What’s a Wannabe?”

“You know, a mom who wishes she was still a teenager.”

Ugh! Seriously? I wouldn’t go that far! I felt relieved; at least I wasn’t a Wannabe.

My daughter paused and looked me over in my slightly-below-the-waist jeans and untucked but-not-too-form-fitting shirt, and she smiled. “I like how you’re dressed, mom. You look fine.”

Cool. I guess I look fine. And that’s fine with me.

Image by: Playingwithbrushes


Whether you choose to use bronzer, stand-up, or the real deal, tanning can help you appear more taut, toned, and terrific! The darkness of your tan narrows width and highlights muscles, establishing that longer and leaner look stars like Britney Spears and Jessica Alba made famous! While lack of sunscreen protection gives suntanning a bad rap for causing skin cancer, (good) exposure to the sun provides (especially us Canadians) with Vitamin D and decreases our risk of breast cancer.


Even though the bandage dress became famous a few years ago for making already-tiny celebrities look tinier, it has been test-tried and proven to also flatter women of a variety of shapes and sizes. While Kim Kardashian possesses a small waist and svelte legs, her buxom "B's" and wide hips still create a fuller hourglass shape, meaning she is still larger than many of her pencil-thin superstar buddies. Therefore, a curvier gal - like Kim - has been pulling off this sexy and stylish trend (repeatedly). This dress - which originally sold at BCBG Max Azria for thousands of dollars - is also available at stores like Bebe and Sirens for under a hundred bucks. The bandage stretch comfortably holds in and smooths bulges, while contouring and lifting your breasts and buttocks simultaneously. Can't find a bandage dress within your budget, size, or travel? You can never go wrong with a plain dress in one solid colour. Add in a skinny belt to cinch the waist and accentuate or build an hourglass silhouette.


Did you know that stress causes a hormone called cortisol to spike up and trick you into feeling hungry, thereby increasing chances of weight gain or even obesity? Did you also know that stress can lead to depression, (feelings of) suicide, cancer, and heart problems - amongst other things? Yes, many (or all) of these issues (including anxiety) are hereditary and cannot be completely suppressed through natural or medical health remedies. However, many of these stress-related illnesses can be prevented or diminished through relaxation. How do you relax in this technology-obsessed, overworked world, you ask? Well, all of us need to take at least some time for ourselves for the sake of our mental health. You can even take a mental health day off! Dance the heat off or stretch your worries away in yoga. Allow yourself to be lavished in a yummy firming or calming chocolate body wrap, a facial, or a Vichy shower during a day at the spa. Shop 'till you drop, go to the hair salon, get a makeover; after all, looking good is feeling good! Belt your heart out at a local Karaoke bar, laugh away at a comedy show, or pick up some guys at a speed-dating event. The world is your oyster. No matter what your budget or schedule, everyone deserves to take a break. You need and want to! 

Quote of the Week

"You can't wait for inspiration.
You have to go after it with a club."

~ Jack London ~


Studies show that eating a small portion of dark chocolate 30 minutes before a meal helps reduce cravings and satisfies your appetite more efficiently. So not only does its antioxidants improve the health of your heart; (dark) chocolate can also surprisingly aid in weight loss and get you into those skinny jeans again!


Wanna wake up with beautiful waves or crimps? Take a shower, make small braids with all your hair, and sleep tight! Within a few hours of beauty slumber, unravel smooth yet voluminous tresses; the water (especially if it's cold) from your shower enhances shine, and the braids prevent hair from tangling.


Sweat stress out in a hot yoga studio or sauna. Not only does a heated room negate what you ate; it opens your pores and releases all your toxins, creating cleaner and clearer skin. Same goes for running toasty (but not scalding) water in the shower. After all, one Victoria Secret model swears by it, and you can't deny a "look/feel good" tip from an "angel" of beauty!