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Top Ten Reasons For My Gratitude Attitude

Thanksgiving doth approacheth! It's that traditional time of year when we all tend to focus on the many wonderful blessings in our lives—those blessings we've sometimes taken for granted at other times of the year. I figured it might be nice, in honor of the upcoming holidays and all, to do a TOP TEN list of things I'm grateful for this year.

So, if I could have a drumroll please…

I am grateful that…

10. God make chocolate a bean so I can be confident I'm always getting my daily requirement of vegetables.

9. My son and daughter have let me be their "friend" on Facebook and haven't blocked me even when I post comments on their wall and put <3 (hearts) on their pages and on their friends' pages for the entire world to see.

8. My son can't hear me when he's on the soccer field and I'm yelling things to the other players like "Does your mother know you talk like that?" "Yo! Stop pushing my kid!" "No cheating!" as well as my myriad helpful tips for the referees.

7. I haven't had to change a diaper in 13 years!

6. My sister-in-law taught me the secret to opening spaghetti sauce jars so I can have spaghetti even when my husband isn't around to open the blasted jar for me. (Man, that was frustrating!)

5. Whenever I blank out on somebody's name I have a whole bunch of over-40 friends who can't remember the name either so I can therefore conclude with confidence that it's not just me and I truly do not have dementia.

4. Naps...'nuff said.

3. My daughter's bedroom has remained immaculately clean for the past three months. (Yeah, yeah, okay. So she's not exactly living in it right now, but it's still really sparkly clean.)

2. My dog shares my home office and actually looks at me when I'm talking to myself—er, to him, so I don't appear as crazy as I really am.

1. I'm RICH, I'm RICH! And it's all because of you--my beloved family and treasured friends both online and in real life.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Image by: linh.ngân